Ocean Project
by Leanne, Jackson, and Heeba
Agent Cubes Model
Agent Cubes In Agent Cubes, we displayed a predator/prey model between a fish and a shark. We made it so that every time a shark touches a fish, the fish will disappear and die, and the shark lives longer, and whenever two shark touched, they reproduced and had a baby shark, and after sometime, the baby shark became an adult shark. We also made it so if two fish touched, they reproduced as well. We also had kelp for the fish to eat, which helped them live longer, and the kelp would grow at a certain percent rate, and whenever the fish touched the kelp, it would disappear, but it soon grew back.
Vensim Model
Vensim This Model in Venism represents the relationship between Sharks, Fish, and Plants. The Shark eats the Fish, and the Fish eats the Plants. But the model is much more complex than that. Each arrow represents a relationship. There are major relationships, such as Plants to fish reproduction and Sharks to fish death. There are also smaller, but equally important relationships such as shark death rate to shark death. All of these variables take part in making this model work.